(1) "So tonight,
I’m announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs, where
businesses will partner with the Departments of Defense and Energy to turn
regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs. And
I ask this Congress to help create a network of fifteen of these hubs and
guarantee that the next revolution in manufacturing is Made in America." A – government doesn’t create markets, nor
does it find the lowest cost solution to where goods should be made
(2) "I urge this
Congress to pursue a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change, like
the one John McCain and Joe Lieberman worked on together a few years ago.
But if Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. I
will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and
in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the
consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable
sources of energy." A- we
have 16 years of stable temperatures with increasing concentrations of CO2 and
there are no viable solutions to reducing CO2 80% by 2050 as desired
(3) "So tonight, I
propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an Energy Security
Trust that will drive new research and technology to shift our cars and trucks
off oil for good." A –
Battery storage is not an equivalent source of energy. Nat gas and propane are
viable, but there is no clear advantage of these fuels when considering their
concerns of Carbon.
(4) "The states
with the best ideas to create jobs and lower energy bills by constructing more
efficient buildings will receive federal support to help make it happen." A – Logistical nightmare – these ideas are
endless, and again the government cannot create a viable market for goods,
services, or ideas.
(5) "Tonight, I
propose a “Fix-It-First” program to put people to work as soon as possible on
our most urgent repairs, like the nearly 70,000 structurally deficient bridges
across the country." A –
previous stimulus plans made the same promises – check the Joe Biden website
and see how it is going
(6) "And to make
sure taxpayers don’t shoulder the whole burden, I’m also proposing a
Partnership to Rebuild America that attracts private capital to upgrade what
our businesses need most: modern ports to move our goods; modern pipelines to
withstand a storm; modern schools worthy of our children." A – partnership with private capital is a
messy distortion to the market. Who gets
in the project? If a better port is
needed, then make the case and build it if needed.
(7) "Right now,
there’s a bill in this Congress that would give every responsible homeowner in
America the chance to save $3,000 a year by refinancing at today’s rates.
Democrats and Republicans have supported it before. What are we waiting
for? Take a vote, and send me that bill."
A – pumping up the housing bubble will continue distortion of the
(8) "Tonight, I
propose working with states to make high-quality preschool available to every
child in America. Every dollar we invest in high-quality early education
can save more than seven dollars later on--by boosting graduation rates,
reducing teen pregnancy, even reducing violent crime." A – more money for education, this becomes
an endless need.
(9) "Tonight, I’m
announcing a new challenge to redesign America’s high schools so they better
equip graduates for the demands of a high-tech economy. We’ll reward schools
that develop new partnerships with colleges and employers, and create classes
that focus on science, technology, engineering, and math--the skills today’s
employers are looking for to fill jobs right now and in the future." A – fed redesign of schools will be an
expensive mess. Certainly not free.
(10) "Tonight, I
ask Congress to change the Higher Education Act, so that affordability and
value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of
federal aid." A – there has been no effort to
reduce higher education costs. I don’t
see how this can possibly be a workable solution, and appears to be a nice
sounding idea that will have no appreciable impact in education costs.
(11) "And tomorrow,
my Administration will release a new “College Scorecard” that parents and
students can use to compare schools based on a simple criteria: where you can
get the most bang for your educational buck." A – another idea of government promising they
can help people because they are too stupid to know how to pick a college.
(12) "Send me a
comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and I will sign
it right away." A –
there are some big issues on securing the border, transition to citizenship
etc, and to say send a bill is a simplistic approach that has a lack of
leadership and a simplistic ring to it.
(13) "Today, the
Senate passed the Violence Against Women Act that Joe Biden originally wrote
almost 20 years ago. I urge the House to do the same." A –
there are double jeopardy issues on being able to retry criminals and this is
another example of a nice sounding bill that has tyrannical realities that are
only known when details are known.
(14) "And I ask
this Congress to declare that women should earn a living equal to their
efforts, and finally pass the Paycheck Fairness Act this year." A – this is already the law of the land, and
the act is likely to increase gnarly lawsuits
(15) "Tonight,
let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works
full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to
$9.00 an hour." A –
minimum wages trigger many labor contracts, and also trim the number of entry
level jobs because employers can’t just up their revenues at a pass of a pen
like the government can with this type of law.
(16) "Let’s offer
incentives to companies that hire Americans who’ve got what it takes to fill
that job opening, but have been out of work so long that no one will give them
a chance." A – fuzzy idea that sounds good,
but the government has no capacity to take this on without a rat’s nest of
paperwork and costs.
(17) "Let’s put
people back to work rebuilding vacant homes in run-down neighborhoods." A- nice idea, but you can’t just make it
happen without huge costs and headaches.
(18) "And this
year, my Administration will begin to partner with 20 of the hardest-hit towns
in America to get these communities back on their feet. We’ll work with local
leaders to target resources at public safety, education, and housing." A – again, not free, and there must be jobs
to support making this work, not the government.
(19) "We’ll give
new tax credits to businesses that hire and invest." A – the real incentive to invest is a lower
capital gains tax, and liberals are unwilling to allow this to happen. Hiring happens when there is more certainty
of costs, and Health Care and Dodd Frank have yanked the rug out from
businesses. The proof is in the
trillions of dollars of cash in company balance sheets. Don’t say you want to help, when your
policies have proven the opposite.
(20) And we’ll work to
strengthen families by removing the financial deterrents to marriage for
low-income couples, and doing more to encourage fatherhood – because what makes
you a man isn’t the ability to conceive a child; it’s having the courage to
raise one. A – government can’t strengthen
the family. Nobody makes marriage
decisions based on a government program.
The amount of unwed babies averaging 40% for all, and over 70% for
African-Americans are a stunning statistic
(21) "We are
negotiating an agreement with the Afghan government that focuses on two
missions: training and equipping Afghan forces so that the country does not
again slip into chaos, and counter-terrorism efforts that allow us to pursue
the remnants of al Qaeda and their affiliates." A – whatever… another magic wand with no clue how it could
(22) "That’s why,
earlier today, I signed a new executive order that will strengthen our cyber
defenses by increasing information sharing, and developing standards to protect
our national security, our jobs, and our privacy." A – this approach is inferior and should not
be passed without more input – the problem of government having the main say on
how the internet is secured is pretty scary.
(23) "Now, Congress
must act as well, by passing legislation to give our government a greater
capacity to secure our networks and deter attacks." A – same as 22
(24) To boost American
exports, support American jobs, and level the playing field in the growing
markets of Asia, we intend to complete negotiations on a Trans-Pacific
Partnership. A – pass the magic wand
(25) "And tonight,
I am announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union – because trade that
is free and fair across the Atlantic supports millions of good-paying American
jobs." A – another feat of magic
(26) "So the United
States will join with our allies to eradicate such extreme poverty in the next
two decades: by connecting more people to the global economy and empowering
women; by giving our young and brightest minds new opportunities to serve and
helping communities to feed, power, and educate themselves; by saving the
world’s children from preventable deaths; and by realizing the promise of an
AIDS-free generation." A –
economic vitality is needed, and we are losing our ability to show anyone how
to have a vibrant economy.
(27) "We will
ensure equal treatment for all service members, and equal benefits for their
families--gay and straight." A –
equal treatment? Benefits? Complete flip-flop on this issue of
supporting gay marriage. Pure pandering
to seek wider support and show more “tolerance”
(28) "That’s why,
tonight, I’m announcing a non-partisan commission to improve the voting experience
in America. And I’m asking two long-time experts in the field, who’ve
recently served as the top attorneys for my campaign and for Governor Romney’s
campaign, to lead it." A –
we need to really address voter fraud in this country and fully prosecute from
the 2012 election. Ohio voter
irregularities were reported to Eric Holder before the election, and it was
completely ignored. Two attorneys couldn’t
fix this issue if you locked them into a room with two years of provisions.
(29)"Senators of
both parties are working together on tough new laws to prevent anyone from
buying guns for resale to criminals. Police chiefs are asking our help to get
weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets, because they
are tired of being outgunned. Each of these proposals deserves a vote in
Congress. If you want to vote no, that’s your choice. But these proposals
deserve a vote. … Gabby Giffords deserves a vote." A – we don’t need to have a vote for ideas
that have nothing to do with making children and people more safe. This administration has a clear desire to
get weapons out of the hands of the public, and we are more in need of protection
than at any time in our lifetime.