Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Gun control nonsense

Calling more gun laws "common sense" and "something we can all agree on" is incredibly condescending and arrogant. Any dreamt up restriction that has the smell of making kids more safe is completely void of fact and proof.  The story is ignored of over five hundred a year being killed on the streets of Chicago.  There are more people killed with guns in the areas that have to strictest laws.  Every time there is a change in law allowing law abiding citizens to purchase and carry firearms, crime rates go down.  The number of guns in our nation is not proportional to our murder rate.  There are no counties in the world where the correlation holds of more guns = more crime.  And here is the most shocking truth of all:  criminals don't obey gun laws!   So stop wringing your slimy tyrannical hands saying we need to "do something" when your ideas are baseless and empty.  Stop blaming the NRA for the opposition as something evil.  The NRA is simply saying of what millions of Americans believe.  

The second Amendment stands. 

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

The common sense solutions that are proven to reduce crime rates in every single place are rejected by the pompous ruling class.  They cling to  those nice sounding theories and ignore those pesky increasing crime rates and murders.