Tuesday, July 18, 2017

GOP and healthcare

 There's a lot of concern being raised right now about the Republicans lack of ability in the Senate to pass a bill to get rid of Obamacare.   President Trump has made it clear that he's in his office waiting to sign a bill.  Although it is very important that Republicans follow through with their promise in repealing and passing some form of healthcare, there's an incredibly important point that I think is being missed by virtually every pundit that I've heard lately.

The Democrats have mastered the art of messaging. When they have an agenda they all get together and they determine exactly how they are going to communicate the points that they are wanting to make with the American people. We can blame it on the Press or we can blame it on individuals that don't want to get on the bandwagon, but when it comes right down to it, the Republicans have absolutely been inept at communicating their ideas to the American people.  No matter what Bill will pass the Senate, there will be accusations by the Democrats and by the CBO on how the Senate Bill falls short of an expectation for government to filfill its "duties".   If the Republicans don't hammer out exactly their message on what they are wanting to accomplish, they will always fall short of giving enough and doing enough.  Thus will take more discipline and effort than most are willing to pursue.  The democratic liberal message is really simple. "We can give you things." "We can solve complicated lifelong problems, as long as we are the ones in power."  Conservatives realize that the real world is much more complicated.  The conservative messages is much harder to convey. It's like saying to a child who is growing up "I can take care of you your whole life, you never have to work"  "all you have to do is play video games your whole life." Do you think that would be a hard-sell? No, that would be very easy to convince someone as they are growing up that they need you forever.  What happens when some of 35 years old and they still live in their parents basement? It's unbelievably inapt. And yet that is what is considered acceptable as people become more and more dependent on government.  The conservative  message of encouraging your children to accomplish the training necessary for them to be self-sufficient is a much more complicated message.

President  Trump needs to realize that what is obvious to him is not obvious to everybody else.    Trump was elected because he mastered the ability to clearly communicate that the system is broken and that he will fix it.  It is important that the system is fixed by that which really works and not simply that which parties wrestle and eventually agree with. There are principles that must be adhered to in order to make sure that the ideas are successful. Let's say that there are five key principles that must be hammered out and communicated in order to pass health care. Everyone involved needs to know those principles and say them in exactly the same way.   It sounds so stupid. But if this is not followed, the mumbo-jumbo messsge from Paul Ryan will not be the same as the mumbo-jumbo message from Rand Paul.    The Democrats are willing to say that the Republicans are not offering enough or that they're not working with Democrats or that their grandma will be shoved off the cliff. Their message will happen and it will be against the Republicans. The only chance of the Republicans have is to have their hammered out points communicated  to all parties so they can say the same thing to the American people. We're not stupid but when we hear the same thing from multiple sources, it resonates and we get it deeper then when everybody just says things in their own way.  

Liberalism has been deeply threatened by the election of Donald Trump. The fact that their ability to continue the deception of saying that the liberal ideas work has been interrupted, and this is of great concern to liberals.   It's time for conservatives it's time for Republicans to pull together and hammer out exactly how they are going to repeal Obamacare and what they're going to do if anything and replacing Obamacare.  Messaging will take them to where they need to be. It will not happen in tweets from Trump. It must happen by pulling together the leaders from the Senate and the house in determining exactly what they're going to pursue in this endeavor have a place in Obamacare.   Once they pursue and see the benefits of having consistent messaging, they will then be able to pursue economic development and tax cuts. Without pursuing this, we will flounder we will get beat up in every imaginable way they will not move forward in their endeavor to implement the Trump agenda.

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